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Factors to Consider When Introducing Digitalization to Dental Laboratories


Despite the solidifying role of CAD/CAM in dental workflows in recent years, some dental labs still have several concerns, mainly in the following areas:

I. Cost

When introducing digital dental equipment, the primary consideration is the cost of the equipment. At this point, it's essential to consider the return on investment. If your lab can quickly recoup the initial equipment costs, then it's time to step into the era of modern dentistry!

II. Brand Selection

There is a wide variety of digital dental equipment on the market, such as dental milling machines and scanners, with prices varying accordingly. It's crucial to gather information on different brands and the performance of their products before making a purchase decision. When buying, it's advisable to choose a brand that has a good reputation and offers reasonably priced products. 

III. Technology Utilization

Transitioning from traditional manual design methods to digital processes requires familiarity with CAD design software and CAM equipment. Therefore, dental laboratories should also employ a CAD/CAM technician to ensure the rapid production of high-quality restorations.

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